Once we control bodydrag in the water and we know how to go well upwind, downwind , and bodydraging with the board. The first step with the kitesurf board: put on the board on waterstart.
If we are able to recover the board well and relaunch the kite then we will improve much faster.
The first thing we must do to do it with maximum security and not suffer any accident, is do bodydrag with the board from the shore and go into the sea approximately 50 m.
Whith this we will avoid being dragged towards the sand and crash, and we will remove from the middle of the waves that are created on the shore by the wind that will only move us and make us lose our balance
¿How to place the kite board in our feet?
First to do will be fit the straps of the board in the sand. Once we are out of the shore break, we will try to put on the board. To put the board we will explain the right side (the two sides are the same we only change the sides).
With the wind on our back we will place the board on the right side, while controlling the kite with the left hand (near the center) keeping the kite a little on the right side (such as 12-12.30) and always looking at the kite so that it does not we go to the other side because otherwise our body will rotate.

To put the board on is really important place the board in front of us, if we place on the side our body will rotate

Then we will place the back foot (left) first and then the front foot (right), placing the board in front of us. It is important to bring the board to the body (under the kite), not the body to the board (side), as this will cause us to turn our body and lose the control of the kite.

Once we have both feet on the board, with the kite at 12 and both hands on the bar we must lift our toes so that the board does not come off and we will bend both knees to catch the balance staying in that position to get used to. If we stretch one of the two legs our body will begin to turn towards the side of the extended leg.

Once we have it controlled, we practice turning the body a little to the right side with the kite around 12.30 and towards the left side around 11.30, extending one of the two legs and maintaining the balance.
Video how to put on the board.
Once we have put on the board we will start trying to get up and start taking the first meters.
First we will keep the knees close to the chest as bent as possible since it will be easier to get up. When moving the kite to the side that we are going to stand up, we must be in line everything from the kite above at 12, the bar below and the board in the water.

From 12 o’clock we move the kite fast towards the power zone (1.30-2) to generate enough power (gradually testing to feel the power),sending the kite back to 12.30 and when we feel that the kite is pulling us we will stand up with our back leg and we will extend the front leg downwind while maneuvering the kite to keep it above 1-.1.30.
We must gain enough speed at the beginning to continue riding.

- When we get up we must release a little power in the bar. If we give it too much power we go forward

- When we stand up we must do it with the force of the kite generated in the harness, not on the bar as in wakeboarding. This is one of the main errors since by leaving the weight on the arms we take the force off the harness causing us to fall backwards.

• When we get up we have to keep the back and the body always slightly inclined back to avoid falling forward.
• If the wind is very light we can move the kite a little to the opposite side (11.30) before sending it at 1.30 to generate that extra power we need due to the lack of wind.
• Normally if we stay standing while sailing it is because we lean the weight behind the direction (tail), the weight must be inclined towards the heels.

- We can also get stop because when we start sailing we turn the board too much in the upwind direction and it is not possible to go in that direction. We will have to keep the front leg a little more to forward facing downwind.
Waterstart video