The first step we must learn before starting to fly the kite is know the wind window of the kite and how to prepare the kitesurf. After will be flying a kitesurf in sand.
The next step will be launching the kite off the ground, control the kite in flight and finally land the kite. All of these should be carried out with enough space for objects and people to do it with maximum security.
Before starting to fly the kite, the instructor will explain how the safety systems work , as well as how the kite and the bar behave when the kite is flying.
The safety steps will be:
1. Let go the bar: Any situation the first thing we must do is let go the bar and the kite will fall to the ground but stop pulling us. This must be instinctive since by nature when feeling that we can fall we try to hold on to something and the first thing we have is the bar. So remember to let go the bar. You will hear this words hundreds of times during the kitesurfing course.

2. Quick release: When you release the bar, the kite will lose power and stop pulling. In case it continues pulling you, we will activate the quick release and the kite will lose all power.

3. Safety leash: We should NEVER activate it since it keeps the kite with us and the kite must have lost all power. It will ONLY activate in some strange situation and as an emergency in case when activating the quicj¡k release the kite remains uncontrolled and we have no choice to release the kite if we are in danger.

1.Launching kite from the ground. For this step it will be necessary to have an assistant to hold the kite. This step is one of the most important in kitesurfing because if it is not carried out with the necessary knowledge it could be dangerous, if the knowledge of the wind window and the kite launching area are not very clear.

2.Once we have the kite flying, we must learn to control the power of the bar, sheeting out or sheeting in. When we sheet out the bar the lateral lines (direction) lose tension so the kite loses power, and when we sheet in the bar closer to us the lines gain tension increasing the power of the kite.
At this point it is very important to feel the power in the chicken loop in the harness, and to have your arms relaxed since at first when feeling that the kite pulls us we tend to pull more of the bar generating more power when we should do the opposite.

While flying the kite it is important to begin to understand in which areas we fly the kite. First we will begin to fly the kite with 2 hands on the bar to try to move it slowly along the edge of the wind window where the kite does not generate traction and once we can keep the kite in the air we will learn several landing and launchnigs.
Once we have the feeling of the bar and we feel the power of the kite, we will begin to move the kite with 2 hands in the traction area of the window (between 10-12 and 12-2), both on the right and left sides, to feel how it pulls us and control the power we need at all times.
The next step we will start to control the kite with one hand (kite about 11 or 1) and walking to both sides to have the same sensations that we would have sliding in the water and getting used to when we get the board and we have to do bodydrag in the water. When we have a hand on the bar it will always be the opposite hand to the side where we have the kite.

3.To finish we will introduce the exercises that we will do in the water and we will land the kite.