Here we leave you a slightly more detailed explanation of how to assemble the kitesurf kite. In the video that we leave you you can see everything explained and very well detailed.
These videos and explanations are very valuable before taking a kitesurfing course so that the class is more didactic and we will go to the the course more relaxed because we know some basic notions. Kitesurfing is a sport that involves certain dangers if you try to practice on your own, but as long as you have completed at least 3-4 days of the course and we have the basic notions, you can start practicing it.
During the kitesurfing course at Atlantic Kite, all risks are minimized to the maximum, so that your learning is as safe and fast, as well as your experience is as satisfactory as possible so that you continue practicing this sport. During the course we will transmit you all the knowledge and passion that this sport will generate on you
Before starting to fly a kite we should learn the basics of kitesurfing. Both the wind window, as well as the safety systems and how set up the kite.
Before set up our kite, we must find an area on the beach with enough space and free of rocks, signs, cables, any type of obstacle, as well as not having bathers or people nearby so as not to disturb them. We will have to choose the correct kite size, and as long as it is not too large so that we cannot control it. If we are beginners, it is best to ask or look at what kite size people are using it.
We should check the direction that the wind is coming in order to set up our kite.

The first thing we will do is take the kite out of our bag. With the wind at our back we will have to extend the kite in the direction of the wind, with the inflatable edge (Leading edge) towards us and the opposite edge (Trailing edge) towards the wind direction, and with the valves facing upwards. (Depending on the make and model of the kite, we will have different valves but they all act in the same way)
Then we will take the kite pump and first we will connect the rope (leash) with the hook to the kite in the center of the leading edge, and we will close the deflation valve, we will connect the valve (inflator) to the inflation valve and we will inflate the kite until have enough pressure so that it is hard but will not explode.

Once inflated holding the kite so that it does not fly away, we will disconnect the pump and the leash and close the inflation valve, holding the kite from the center of the leading edge in a smile position . In this position we can move with the kite since the wind will hit the bottom lifting the kite.

The next step will be to leave the kite parked in the sand, so we will have to flip over the kite around supporting one of the corners and walking to flip it and leave the kite upside down, with the central rib facing wind direction . Once on the ground it is always advisable to place sand near the leading edge on both sides to prevent the kites fly away and we may cause an accident or break the kite.

Once the kite is secured in the parking position, we will lay out the lines of the the bar leaving the attachment points behind the kite, releasing and extending the lines walking downwind . Once the lines are extended and with tension we will leave the bar on the floor with the red side on the right and checking that all the lines are well we will untangle them.

To separate the lines, we will take and separate the 4 lines using the fingers of the hand, separating the lines on the sides (steering) and the central lines (power). Once separated we will check that they are well separated before proceeding to lift the kite.

Now we will proceed to connect the lines of the bar to the kite. Depending on the brand of the kite we will have some connections or others but we will always proceed in the same way. The part of the line that has a hole we will make a 9 passing the same line through the hole itself and we will adjust this turn to the connection where we will have a ball or knot.

It is very important when connecting the power lines that we check if this
connection is untangle in the kite.
Once checked everything is well connected and untangle we can proceed to launch the kite.
Video preparation of the kite